Mathematics Teachers’ Perceptions on the Implementation of the Quizizz Application

Muhammad Sofwan Mahmud, Ming Lei Law


Quizizz is an application proposed by the Ministry of Education Malaysia that can be used to obtain information about pupils’ learning acquisition throughout lessons. Quizizz integrates technology and gamification concepts that captivate students’ desire to learn. For home-based learning, Malaysian teachers were advised to guide pupils using communication mediums and applications so that the pupils would not be left behind in their learning. This study investigated the prior knowledge and perceptions of mathematics teachers regarding Quizizz, and their attitudes towards using this application. Furthermore, this study aimed to discover the interests among primary school mathematics teachers with different years of teaching experience in integrating the Quizizz application into their classes. We adopted a quantitative research method, using a questionnaire as research instrument. Fifty primary school teachers teaching mathematics in Johor were selected as respondents. The data obtained were analyzed using descriptive statistical analysis and inferential statistical analysis. Findings showed that more than half of the respondents (68%) had followed a course on using Quizizz, and 94% felt that they could access the Quizizz website easily. Most of the respondents (mean > 3.67) had a positive attitude towards the Quizizz application. This study showed that teaching experience does not influence the teacher’s decision in implementing the Quizizz application in the teaching and learning process. Teachers are willing to learn new teaching methods.


mathematics; online learning; Quizizz; teacher

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