Attitudes of Ecuadorian Secondary School Teaching Staff towards Online STEM Development in 2022

Derling Jose Mendoza Velazco, Elizeth Mayrene Flores Hinostroza, Janeth Elizabeth Salvador Moreno, Jose Fernando Paz Cerda, Mercedes Viviana Sánchez Barros


Ecuadorian teachers lack experience in the process of teaching and learning science, technology, engineering and mathematics online (STEML). These limitations are evident in the low grades of students in the general unified baccalaureate (GUB) and in the low application of STEM majors in Ecuador. The study aims to describe, elucidate and understand the attitudes of Ecuadorian teachers towards STEM education in GUB using a multi-method or mixed-method approach study. The design was the DEXPLIS sequential explanatory type. The questionnaire was administered to 194 participants and ten teachers who responded to a semi-structured interview. The sampling technique was non-probabilistic participatory sampling. The student's t-test and ANOVA analysis were used for quantitative data analysis and the triangulation technique for qualitative data. Results showed the lack of materials and technological support hinders online activities. Significant differences were found in the attitudes between the teaching staff of public and private institutions and between the different levels of the GUB. Statistical analyses showed that administrative support, professional support, STEML training, teaching and learning time positively influenced the attitudes of STEML teachers.


Ecuador; education; multi-method research; science teachers; STEML; teacher’ attitude

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