Therapy of Social-Emotional Development on Autism Spectrum Disorder Diagnosed Child in Inclusive Early Childhood Education and Development Yogyakarta, Indonesia

Wantini ., Sutrisno ., Casmini ., Suyatno .


This research aims to examine the symptoms of social-emotional development deficits using ASD in inclusive ECED. According to the study, schools utilize this therapeutic method to improve their condition and positively impact on the social development of children. This is a qualitative research with case study design using the psychological approach of special needs children and data was collected through observation, deep interview, and documentation. Data was collected and analyzed using the Miles & Huberman interactive inductive technique, which reduces, displays, and concludes drawing. The results therefore showed the symptoms of social-emotional development deficit to cover the ability to communicate, socialize, and behave, the therapeutic method used include modern psychological, medical, and religious therapies, and the application of these therapies by each ECED was found to improve the children’s social-emotional development on communication, socialization, and behaviors. This research’s discovery shows the importance of school-based social-emotional development intervention on a child in inclusive ECED.


Therapeutic method, Social-emotional development, Autism spectrum disorder, and inclusive ECED

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