Integrated Leadership Effect on Teacher Satisfaction: Mediating Effects of Teacher Collaboration and Professional Development

Fiskia Rera Baharuddin, Amiruddin Amiruddin, A. Muhammad Idkhan


School principal can be both instructional and transformational leadership which is regarded as integrated leadership. Prior research has explored the connection between teacher job satisfaction, teacher collaboration, and teacher professional development. The current study aims to investigate the integrated principal leadership style, and its effect on teacher job satisfaction. We examined how integrated leadership indirectly influences teacher job satisfaction through the mediation of teacher collaboration and professional development. Voluntary sampling was conducted to collect research data. Electronic survey sent to 600 Indonesia which was 504 filled the survey completely. The partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM) was employed to analyze the data. The results showed that integrated leadership directly affected teacher job satisfaction in a positive way. Teacher collaboration and professional development had positively affected teacher satisfaction in their job. It was figured out that teacher collaboration and professional development have partial mediation effect on the relationship between integrated leadership and teacher job satisfaction. Based on results, integrated leadership has affected teacher job satisfaction directly. The effect was also mediated by teacher collaboration and teacher job satisfaction. Institutions should invest in leadership programs to equip principals with a blend of instructional and transformational skills that encourage teachers to develop their professional skills and to collaborate with others.


Integrated Leadership; Principal Leadership Styles; Teacher Collaboration; Teacher Professional Development; Teacher job satisfaction

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