Embedding Sustainable Development Goals to Support Curriculum Merdeka Using Projects in Biotechnology

Aris Rudi Purnomo, Bambang Yulianto, Muhamad Arif Mahdiannur, Hasan Subekti


The lack of practices of Curriculum Merdeka cause science teachers to worry about the results, especially related to environmental awareness. As such, this study aimed at exploring the role of biotechnology learning with embedded sustainable development goals (SDGs) to accomplish the academic purposes of the curriculum. In doing so, Pre-service Science Teachers (PSTs) were required to develop projects in biotechnology as well as problem-solving skills to be induced into their teaching competencies. This study used one-group pre-test and post-test design and involved twenty PSTs as participants. The parameters were perception, knowledge, and development of scientific projects. The instruments consisted of questionnaire, paper-pencil test, and rubrics. The data were then analysed in a descriptive manner. The results showed that most students perceived that biotechnology learning provides access to sustainability in human life. Also, there is a significant increase of student knowledge about innovating science with P-value of 0.00<0.05. For scientific projects, students in groups successfully created five titles in relation to SDGs issues, such as food nutrients, agricultural pests, fish-pond management, dengue fever control, and water quality. In terms of learning outcomes and themes, the contents within PSTs projects are relevant to two learning outcomes and four different project themes of Curriculum Merdeka, including lifestyle for sustainability, technology to support Indonesia, entrepreneurship, and local wisdom. Therefore, there is potential to bring PSTs projects to practice Curriculum Merdeka.  



biotechnology; curriculum Merdeka; SDGs

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