Contribution of Academia Colleague as a Clinical Model to the Professional Development of Pre-Service Teachers

Seham Hamza, Nabil Assadi, Tareq Murad, Muhammad Ibdah


The current study aimed to investigate the contribution of Academia Colleague as a clinical model to the professional development of pre-service teachers. An interview consisting of 8 questions, a questionnaire consisting of 24 paragraphs, as well as a measurement of teaching tendencies, which consisted of 4 domains and 35 paragraphs, were the major instruments used in the study. The qualitative research method was employed to address, analyze, and interpret the concerned phenomenon (domain of the research) within its natural context. This was done in tandem with the descriptive analytical approach of a sample of 13 pre-service teachers who constituted the study community. Results of the study showed that the incorporation of the proposed clinical model contributed to the professional development of the participants and promoted numerous positive aspects, including active participation, collaborative learning, personal and collective responsibility, procedural research (applied research), clinical-critical thinking, and socio-emotional learning (SEL). The program also promoted positive tendencies towards the teaching profession at large. The results also showed no statistically significant relationship between the teaching tendencies and the participants’ grade point average (GPA).


academia colleague model; clinical model; professional development; socio-emotional attitudes; teaching profession

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