Entrepreneurship Education in Ghana: A Case Study of Teachers’ Experiences

R J (Nico) Botha, M Obeng-Koranteng


Despite the global popularity of entrepreneurship education in higher education, concerns persist about its heterogeneous, broad, and ambiguous objectives and curricula. Many research studies and papers have highlighted these weaknesses and offered remedies for addressing them. Not much is known about how teachers (who are their primary interpreters and users) actually experience the objectives and curricula. This study addresses this gap by exploring teachers’ lived experiences of the entrepreneurship education objectives and curricula for insights regarding their nature from the perspective of teachers in order to identify more appropriate solutions to enhance them. Adopting the qualitative single case study research approach, primary data was collected from face-to-face interviews with four teachers at a Ghanaian institution offering entrepreneurship education. The data was supplemented by secondary data from course study documents and then analysed using the interpretive and case study analysis methods. The findings indicate that (1) teachers perceive the entrepreneurship education objectives and curricula as heterogeneous, broad, and ambiguous, (2)  this placed certain limitations on teaching and learning, and (3) despite their shortcomings, the objectives and curricula were fitting for achieving entrepreneurship education’s broader aims of creating awareness of entrepreneurship, fostering the enterprise culture in students and developing entrepreneurial skills. Teachers indicated that institutional interventions such as continuous teacher education, increased resources, and more credit hours could address the perceived shortcomings. The findings underscore the need for further research on the nature of the objectives and curricula from the lenses of teachers and students in order to enhance policy and practice.



entrepreneurship education; entrepreneurship education objectives; entrepreneurship education curriculum; entrepreneurship education drawbacks; entrepreneurship teachers; higher education; Ghana

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