Learning Potentials of Job Shadowing in Teacher Education

Danijela Makovec


This article dealt with the topic of practical training of students in teacher training programmes. Workplace learning represents an important contact between students and the world of work and can have several positive effects. In the text, we presented job shadowing as a possible learning activity that can complement other forms of practical training. The aim of the study was to identify the learning potential of this activity and how it should be structured to achieve this potential. Data were collected from 19 participants, and the qualitative analysis of the text (students' reflections) showed that students gain valuable experience through job shadowing, which helps them to overcome their fears and enables them to enter the workplace with more confidence. In addition to the results of the analysis, the text also provides practical guidance on how the activity should be planned so that students can learn through it.



learning activity; job shadowing; learning potential; teacher education; workplace learning

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