Saudi EFL Teachers’ Attitudes towards Professional Development

Maha Alzahrani


The study reported in this paper aimed to investigate the Professional Development (PD, henceforth) needs of English language teachers in Saudi Arabia. Its primary objectives were to assess the needs of PD and training of Saudi English language teachers and to explore the teachers’ attitudes towards the amount and quality of English teaching preparation received prior to their teaching career. The study adopted a mixed-method approach in order to gain a deep understanding of the phenomenon under investigation. The participants of the study included 109 Saudi teachers of English language who teach in public schools. The study involved quantitative and qualitative data collection methods. Whilst the quantitative data of the study was gathered via a survey questionnaire, the qualitative data was obtained via interviews with 10 of EFL teachers. The findings indicated the teachers’ dissatisfaction with the amount and quality of pre-service training they received. This was due to poor information, a lack of qualified trainers and limited selection of topics which does not serve their teaching needs.


English teachers; professional development; attitude; Saudi Arabia

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