Hard Skills Versus Soft Skills: How Do they Affect Different Job Types of Japanese Language Graduates?

Soni Mulyawan Setiana, Linda Setiawati, Mujahidil Mustaqim


This study aims to analyze the relation between hard skill and soft skill competencies of Japanese language graduates on four different types of job including managers, administrators, communicators, and instructors. This research was conducted through a quantitative approach by distributing questionnaires to 100 alumni of Japanese department from five universities in Bandung, namely Universitas Padjadjaran, STBA Yapari ABA Bandung, Universitas Kristen Maranatha, Universitas Nasional PASIM, and Universitas Komputer Indonesia. The results showed that the ability of hard skills and soft skills of Japanese department graduates is considered relevant to the needs of the world of work where graduates, especially with the type of work communicators tend to have higher hard skills and soft skills compared to other types of work. Hard skills and soft skills have a very close and inseparable relationship because the two are complementary and balance each other. The ability of hard skills for all four types of work is considered good, but the skills in applying information and communication technology have not fully supported the other skills in hard skills. The ability of soft skills in the four types of work is considered to be good because each domain of soft skills has gone hand in hand with one another in forming integrated soft skills. Japanese departments need to continuously strengthen hard skills and soft skills. This aims to enable graduates to compete in the global market.



Hard Skills, Soft Skills, Job Type, Japanese Language, Graduates

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