AI Language Models as Educational Allies: Enhancing Instructional Support in Higher Education

Ramiz Zekaj


Incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) to support academic faculty is the main topic of the systematic literature review. The purpose of the study is to examine the potential advantages and disadvantages of such implementation, with a particular emphasis on how the use of AI in educational settings may impact teaching methods, individualised learning experiences, and administrative procedures. For the literature review, the Science Direct, Taylor & Francis, and Emerald Insight databases were carefully examined. In order to thoroughly analyse the integration of AI in instructional faculty support, each article was evaluated for its quality of content and relevance to the research questions. According to the findings, AI-driven tools like ChatGPT and intelligent tutoring systems have the potential to significantly improve instruction and foster adaptive learning, which would result in better educational outcomes. The use of AI can enhance administrative procedures and promote personalised learning for students. By highlighting its advantages and drawbacks, this study advances knowledge of AI's function in instructional faculty support for education. By highlighting critical gaps and difficulties, this study lays the groundwork for further research and the development of best practices for AI integration in educational contexts.


Artificial Intelligence; Education; ChatGPT; Instructional Support

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