Defining Teacher Effectiveness in Secondary Education: The Perceptions of Greek Students

Konstantina Koutrouba


The present research was conducted in 2014-2015 in 30 schools across Greece and examines, through a specifically designed questionnaire, the views of 879 Greek secondary education students on teaching practices, teacher traits and behaviours which are associated by students with teacher effectiveness. According to the results, Greek students (a) relate teacher effectiveness to scientifically accepted teaching practices implemented and procedures developed in the classroom (e.g. during cooperative learning or individualized/ adapted teaching, during knowledge scaffolding, clarification of objectives, and feedback provision) and (b) attribute the feature ‘effective’ to teachers who develop specific behavioural attitudes during interpersonal communication, such as empathy, friendliness, supportiveness, trustworthiness and humour. 


Effective teacher, secondary education, students’ views, Greece

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