The Reconstruction of Blended Learning Teaching Model for Full Online Learning System: A Study on English Education Department in Islamic Universities in Indonesia

M. Arif Rahman Hakim, Reko Serasi, Yashori Revola, Nur Ilianis Adnan, Ade Riska Nur Astari


The aim of this research was to construct a teaching model that was intended as a standardization and benchmark for lecturers in the online class teaching and learning process during the COVID-19 pandemic in the English Education Department of Islamic religious universities in Indonesia. This problem was identified from the results of pre-observation research which indicated that  in Indonesian Islamic religious university institutions, especially in the English Language Education study program, there was not  yet  clear standardization for conducting  full online learning. The product of this research study is in the form of a teaching model developed using the ASSURE method that consists of analyzing the participants’ needs, stating the objectives, selecting  appropriate strategies, utilizing a technological approach, requiring learners' participation, and evaluating the final product of this study. In developing this research product, the researchers also conducted a validation process with experts in the field of English teaching strategies. The validation is related to the teaching model, model design, and contextualization. The product of this research has been revised and improved based on the advice from the experts. Furthermore, at the stage of requiring students’ participation, the product also underwent trials involving 10 lecturers and 100 students from five different English Education Departments. The results obtained from the trial process were also used by the researchers for perfecting the model  so that the teaching model based on blended learning would be an appropriate educational tool to be used in teaching and  learning  during  online learning  in the English Education Departments of  Islamic religious universities in the future.


learning model; blended learning; online learning; COVID-19 pandemic

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