Typology of History Teachers in 21st-Century Learning (Grounded Theory Study in Senior High School in Indonesia)

Ema Agustina, Didin Saripudin, Leli Yulifar, Encep Supriatna


The teaching styles of history teachers should be more heterogeneous and varied in 21st-century learning. The purpose of the study was to determine the types of history teachers that conform  to the requirements of the history teaching function and the characteristics of 21st-century learning. Grounded theory was used to formulate a typology of high school history teachers in Indonesia. Interviews, observations, document analysis, and literature studies were conducted as data collection techniques regarding history teachers. A total of 10  participants were selected from 10 schools.  Open coding, axial coding and selective coding were used for data analysis. The results of the study show that history teachers in high schools in Indonesia have various styles in teaching history, such as conservative teachers, normative teachers, inspirational teachers, imaginative teachers, and innovative teachers.  These various typologies are understood through aspects of student motivation, curriculum, teaching styles, student roles, and learning evaluation. Through these findings, history teachers can identify  their own styles and  try to improve their quality and competence in their readiness to become part of 21st-century learning. Therefore, this research has implications for developing the characteristics and competencies of history teachers according to their type so that teaching activities become more effective. Future studies could conduct in-depth research on each type of history teacher or to formulate a history teacher typology through different perspectives and indicators from the research that has been conducted in order to enrich theories about history teacher typologies.



history subject; high school; learning; teacher typology; 21st century

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