Portrait of Education in Indonesia: Learning from PISA Results 2015 to Present

Esti Ismawati, Hersulastuti ., Indiyah Prana Amertawengrum, Kun Andyan Anindita


This study aimed to analyze Indonesia’s low Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) scores among PISA?participating countries in the world, using the qualitative Spradley model method. Data collection involved studying PISA results documents, curriculum documents, newspapers, and television news. Observations and interviews (both formal and informal) with teachers and prospective teachers who were studying at private tertiary institutions were also used considering that the main researcher has been a lecturer since 1986 until now. Data analysis techniques included domain analysis, content analysis, narrative analysis, and critical discourse analysis. Data analysis related to the implementation of the educational curriculum from the Dutch colonial era to the present. It was found that not all teachers used higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and teachers complained that the curriculum was often changed by the Ministry of Education. Even distribution of the quality of education is also not optimal and experiences difficulties. This is because Indonesia is the fourth most populous country in the world, with the population spread over 17,000 islands separated by sea. This study recommends that the Indonesian Government make solid short-, medium- and long-term education master plans so that teachers are not bothered with curriculum changes on a regular basis. If participation in PISA by Indonesia is continued, this study recommends that the practice of PISA questions be increased and that PISA participants be selected using purposive sampling considering that the quality of education is not evenly distributed.



Indonesia; innovative learning; low assessment scores; PISA; qualitative approach

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