Exploring Business Studies Teachers’ Technology Self-Efficacy on their Technology Integration to Create Learner-Centred Teaching Environment

Nduduzo Brian Gcabashe, Nokulunga Sithabile Ndlovu


Developments in technologies continue to influence the education sector. As a result, teachers’ instructional practices are influenced by the pervasiveness of technologies. Therefore, this study explores business studies teachers’ technology self-efficacy on their technology integration to create a learner-centred teaching environment. This is a qualitative study that is underpinned by interpretivism paradigm. Exploratory case study research design was adopted in this study and framed using Bandura’s Self-Efficacy Theory and Social Constructivism Theory. Six secondary schools in Mkhanyakude District in Kwa-Zulu Natal province of South Africa were randomly sampled. Six business studies teachers from the sampled schools participated in this study. One business studies teacher per school was selected. Semi-structured interviews and classroom observations were used to collect data from the participants. Data collected through interviews was analysed thematically while data generated through classroom observations was analysed descriptively. The study revealed that business studies teachers’ initial exposure to technologies had an impact on their technology self-efficacy. Furthermore, it was revealed that some business studies teachers attempted to integrate technologies to create learner-centred teaching environments in their classrooms, while some teachers sustained teacher-centred teaching environments. Therefore, this study concluded that business studies teachers’ technology self-efficacy does not influence how technology is integrated into their classrooms. The study recommended that business studies teachers be taken through continuous professional development programmes to help them understand how they can integrate technologies to promote learner-centred teaching environments. This would ensure consistency among teachers when integrating technologies in their classrooms and create a teaching environment that promotes learner involvement in their classroom practices.



Business Studies; technology; Self-Efficacy; learner-centred; teachers

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