Generic Competences of University Students from Peru and Cuba

Miguel A. Saavedra-López, Xiomara M. Calle-Ramírez, Karel Llopiz-Guerra, Marieta Alvarez Insua, Tania Hernández Nodarse, Julio Cjuno, Andrea Moya, Ronald M. Hernández


Generic competences are considered to be the ability of people to adapt to changes, relate to others and work collaboratively. The objective of this study was to compare the generic competences of university students from Peru and Cuba. The study sample consisted of 248 female students from public universities with current enrollment in Peru (127) and Cuba (121). The data collection was carried out using the questionnaire on generic competences of university students (CCGEU), the Cronbach's Alpha reliability value was .979, showing a high reliability of the instrument.  The results show that the mean of generic competences in Peru is 3.88 and in Cuba is 3.84, which are adequate levels. In addition, the dimensions Systemic competence, Interpersonal competence and Instrumental competence show sufficient levels in both countries. It is concluded that the generic competences in Peru and Cuba reach adequate levels, so they were developed in university students in a similar way. These results may be due to the fact that the evaluated samples have adequately developed these competences that promote the relationship, integration and effective communication among peers in a constant social cooperation, teamwork and sense of leadership.


generic competences, university students, higher education, learning, Peru, Cuba

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