A Survey of Teachers’ Perceptions of a Learning Portfolio in Lesotho Classrooms

Julia Mathabo Chere-Masopha


A learning portfolio entered the Lesotho classrooms between 2010 and 2012 as part of the reforms that were introduced by the 2009 Curriculum and Assessment Policy Framework. Before they were rolled out countrywide, the reforms were piloted in some schools some of which were in the districts of Maseru and Berea. About 45 primary school teachers who participated in this study were purposely sampled from these schools. A questionnaire was distributed among these teachers to collect their perceptions about a learning portfolio as a teaching strategy in Lesotho primary schools. All the questionnaires were filled out and returned. The results show that teachers’ perceptions are that a learning portfolio is not successful in Lesotho primary schools. These teachers identified their limited knowledge and experience and low confidence as factors responsible for the unsuccessful use of this strategy. Even the training they received in preparation for the reforms has not been effective because it has failed to equip them with the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need for this strategy. Knowledge, skills, and confidence appear in many studies as the key factors influencing unsuccessful reforms in Lesotho. There is a need for a study that investigates the practices that are used to prepare teachers for the reforms in Lesotho. 



teachers’ perceptions; learner-centred; constructivism; learning portfolio

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