‘Publish or Perish’: a Transformation of Professional Value in Creating Literate Academics in the 21st Century

Asep Kurnia Jayadinata, Kama Abdul Hakam, Tatang Muhtar, Tedi Supriyadi, J. Julia


The academics of higher education are required to write scientific papers in reputable international journals, which they find challenging in terms of English language skills and the lack of research skills, low literacy skills, and skills in accessing references. Thus, this study aims at exploring the framework for improving academics’ literacy competence for scientific publication activities. Action Research was employed as a design by involving 24 doctoral program students at one campus in West Java Province, Indonesia, who were lecturers at four universities in Indonesia. This research resulted in 7 stages as a critical reflection step in improving literacy competence. The seven stages are summarized in the acronym LITERAT as an extension of Literacy, Investigation, Writing Techniques, Exploration, Reflection, Actualization and Translating. This study concludes that these seven steps proved that 87% of academics’ literacy competences have increased. This study contributes by providing guidance for academics in improving literacy competence and boosting the number of scientific publications of each university as a manifestation of a country's pride in the form of diplomacy portrayed in the quality of education and science.  



literacy; scientific publication; value education; professionalism, action research

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