Physics Course Content of University Physics Education Programme as Reference to Content Distribution of JUPEB and WAEC Syllabi

Olalekan T. Badmus, Abiodun A. Bada, Loyiso C. Jita


The evolution of curricula at any level of education remains relevant based on evolving developments, challenges, and policy direction of society. A university physics education programme has evolved over the years to accommodate, and in some instances, remediate the societal dynamics using the principles of physics. The training of physics teachers for post-basic or secondary education has changed over the years to accommodate solutions to various infractions. We examine the physics course content of a university physics education programme with a view to providing data on content distribution of both advanced and ordinary level physics syllabi. This study is qualitative research of the case study type which sampled the content of two syllabi and course content of a physics education programme. Content analysis was employed to analyse topics and subtopics among three documents. From the result, topics and subtopics were fractionalised to provide an overview of each of the three examined documents. The implication of this is that amendments can be systematically made to accommodate the newly introduce theme physics in technology. Thus, this study proffers a justifiable template for moderating textbooks to authors, bridging the gap between present and future additions and exposing areas of capacity building for physics teachers, among others.


content distribution; JUPEB; physics education programme; physics syllabus; WAEC

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