Teachers’ Level of Knowledge and Readiness in Integrating 4IR: Primary ESL Classroom Context

Nur Maechea Avelino, Hanita Hanim Ismail


Students’ language performance as well as their educational development are affected by English as a second language (ESL) teachers’ ability to integrate technologies into their teaching practices. It is therefore necessary to assess teachers’ levels of knowledge and readiness in integrating Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) technologies into their teaching practices. This paper assesses ESL teachers’ levels of knowledge and readiness in integrating 4IR technologies into their teaching practices. Two variables were used to form research questions: ESL primary teachers’ (1) level of knowledge and (2) level of readiness. A quantitative research design was employed in this research involving 306 respondents. The findings of the research indicated that teachers’ levels of knowledge and readiness influence their integration of 4IR technologies into their teaching practices. Teachers should acquire knowledge regarding 4IR technologies to ensure that they are able to meet the demands of the present education system as well as to help their learners become more proficient in learning the English language. In conclusion, the integration of 4IR technologies is an important aspect that needs to be utilized in teachers’ teaching practices.



English language learning; fourth industrial revolution; knowledge level; readiness level; malaysian teachers

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