Decision-making by Heads of Academic Department using Student Evaluation of Instruction (SEI)

Mohammed Saleh Alkathiri


This study investigates the ways in which heads of academic department use student evaluation of instruction (SEI) to make decisions about individual faculty members and/or whole academic departments. The study utilized a convenience sample of 57 heads of department, who completed an online questionnaire with two main constructs, which were assessed at the interval level of measurement. The results of the study revealed significant differences between heads of department who tend to trust SEI results compared to those who tend not to trust SEI results. The findings suggest there is a significant association between how heads of department perceive SEI and how they use it to make decisions about individual faculty members and their academic departments. In addition, analysis of the respondents as per two groups, according to their attitudes of trust or distrust toward SEI, showed that disparities within these groups were greater with respect to issues or decisions that affect individuals as opposed to whole departments. Therefore, the study concludes that decisions should not be made based solely on the results of SEI; rather, multiple sources of evaluation should be utilized to make proper decisions. The author strongly recommends that academic leaders should use SEI across multiple years or courses in order to obtain more reliable information. Future research may include qualitative studies on the topic and discipline-specific studies within certain academic departments or college clusters.


faculty members; heads of academic department; higher education; student evaluation of instruction; teaching and learning

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