Blended Learning in Rural Primary ESL Classroom: Do or Don’t

Melanie Jerry, Melor Md Yunus


The emergence of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) had led to discussions of the constructive relationship between the integration of technology and teaching and learning to meet society's needs in the innovative era. However, despite the current technology advancement, rural schools' circumstances propelled teachers to shy away from integrating technology in their instruction. Therefore, this paper presented a research to examine primary school teachers' experiences and views on the application of blended learning in their English language instruction using a mixed-method explanatory design. A survey questionnaire was employed to collect data from 86 teachers from schools in the Betong district, while a semi-structured interview was designed and done with five teachers. Data from the questionnaire were analysed descriptively, while the interview was analysed thematically. The results illustrated that teachers lacked exposure and adequate knowledge of blended learning. It was deduced that teachers had mixed reactions towards blended learning, varying based on their experiences. Teachers emphasised that the lack of facilities and technological constraints, time, limited exposure and skills in ICT use, and teacher readiness were the main challenges they encountered. This study may serve as a building block towards the broad dissemination of blended learning among teachers and serious consideration and effective solutions for the problems faced in its adoption, particularly in rural schools.


blended learning; English teaching and learning; educational technology; teachers experiences; Integration of technology

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