The Efficacy of Habits of Mind in the Inculcation of Self-Directed Learning Skills in Pre-Service Teachers

Gideon Petrus Van Tonder, Byron John Bunt, Alvine Petzer, Hermann Davin Bosch, Nicolaas Van Deventer, Amanda Gerber, Lizelle Van Schadewijk


The purpose of this research was to determine the extent to which pre-service teachers were self-directed before implementing habits of mind as a teaching strategy. The researchers purposively focused on first to fourth-year BEd students. The sample consisted of 277 students who volunteered. A concurrent mixed-method triangulation approach was applied. Even though the students overestimated themselves in Williamson's self-rating scale of self-directed learning, the habits of mind positively affected developing various aspects of the self-directed learning process. Pre-service teachers recognised the importance of applying habits of mind, which will help them use their new knowledge in classroom practices and promote self-directed learning. Therefore, it is recommended that the future training of pre-service teachers be scaffolded around the habits of mind that will contribute to developing the teachers' ways of thinking, self-directed learning, and competencies. In addition, several habits of mind will support teachers in utilising and/or adjusting their prior learning to be open to or contribute to the construction of new knowledge. It is also recommended that habits of mind be infused into the current BEd curriculum in order to foster self-directed learning.


: self-directed learning; digital online learning; habits of mind

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