Didactic Aspects of Teachers’ Training for Differentiated Instruction in Modern School Practice in Ukraine

Nellia Nychkalo, Larysa Lukianova, Natalya Bidyuk, Vitaliy Tretko, Kateryna Skyba


The paper describes modern approaches and principles for implementing differentiated instruction in school teaching and learning. New expectations of qualitative changes in school education depend on teachers’ personal and professional roles in this process. The paper reveals the core characteristics of “differentiated instruction†and its functions in teaching. The authors consider “differentiated instruction â€to increase the efficiency of education; as the means of individualized learning; as the educational principle; as a method to ensure cognitive students’ activities; as the technology for learning activities in different student groups. The main idea of research is to identify the appropriate pedagogical conditions to ensure the effectiveness of improving teachers’ mastery in differentiated instruction implementation. Specifically, this study examines English teachers’ use of differentiated instruction in school and explores the empirical results of their training in Ukraine. The authors suggest the ways to improve the content, organizational and technological components of teachers’ training for differentiated instruction in modern school practice.



teacher’s training; differentiated instruction; learning and teaching; school, methods and techniques

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