Cognitive E-Tools for Diagnosing the State of Medical Knowledge in Students Enrolled for a Second Time in an Anatomy Course

Guadalupe Elizabeth Morales-Martinez, Alberto Manuel Ángeles-Castellanos, Víctor Hugo Ibarra-Ramírez, Magaly Iveth Mancera-Rangel


This article illustrates the application of the Chronometric Constructive Cognitive Learning Evaluation Model to measure the structural, organizational, and temporal properties of the anatomical knowledge schemata acquired by 52 first-year medical students enrolled for a second time in an anatomy course. The participants took part in a mental representation experiment as a part of which they carried out a conceptual definition task involving anatomy concepts based on the Natural Semantic Networks (NSN) technique. A computational simulation was performed on the NSN data, after which the students took part in a semantic priming experiment involving a lexical decision task which required them to classify words related or unrelated to their anatomy schema as word/non-word. Findings revealed that, although students stored the anatomy information in their memory, they struggled to structure, consolidate, and retrieve this information from their memory. These findings suggest that students who did not get the passing grade in anatomy course may struggle with integrating and consolidating pertinent information. Thus, results showed that the constructive-chronometric cognitive approach is useful to measure the properties of schemes medical students developed on the anatomy topic.


learning; cognitive assessment; cognitive science; anatomy; medicine studentsment, cognitive science, anatomy, medicine students

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