Guide Pedagogical Students to Design and Organize Experience-based Learning Activities in Schools

Thi Hang Nguyen, Huu Quan Nguyen, Hoang Mau Chu



Abstract. In Vietnam, experiential activities and experience-based learning models were first introduced in 2018 into the general education curriculum and they will be applied when implementing this program. Therefore, the teacher training program at university of education should meet the requirements of general education reform. In particular, it is essential to guide pedagogical students to design and organise experiential learning activities in the school. This study describes the design, implementation, and evaluation of a course of guiding to design and organise experience-based learning in schools for Vietnamese pedagogical students who will plan to implement experience-based learning activities into their teaching. A course in a 60-hour instructional process (including 30 hours of self-studying) with 5 activities designed to be experiential, enables our students to simultaneously explore and practice experience-based learning activities. The results of designing and organising 55 experience-based learning activity plans were obtained from one hundred and nine participants of the Faculty of Biology, Thai Nguyen University of Education, Vietnam who assessed the instructional process beneficially. The research group also proposed five effective measures to organise experiential learning in high school. This tutorial process will continue to be improved and implemented in subsequent courses to contribute to the renovation of higher education and meet the general educational improvement in Vietnam.


Experiential activity; Experience-based learning activities; Educational renovation; Pedagogical students; Programs of training teachers

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