Transformation of the Educational Ecosystem in the Singularity Environment

Kateryna Andriushchenko, Vita Kovtun, Oleksandra Cherniaieva, Nadiia Datsii, Olena Aleinikova, Anatolii Mykolaiets


This study was aimed at creating an effective model of the educational ecosystem in a singularity environment. The study is based on a system of general scientific methods of scientific knowledge, in particular, the method of expert assessment, the method of analogy and comparative analysis. The experts, with the support of facilitators, visualized the possible future of education as a symbiosis of individual and collective learning paths that connect learners with many learning spaces and educational opportunities. To ensure the operability of such a model of the educational ecosystem, it is necessary to create tools and processes that support personal and collective learning and development throughout life, including: processes and tools that help determine the goals of learners; educational processes integrated into the educational trajectory and developing various aspects of personal and collective existence through holistic educational experiences, including play and co-creation; processes and tools that measure learning outcomes; educational spaces and technologies that help to combine personal and collective educational trajectories, coordinating individual educational needs with the evolving needs of communities. These processes can be integrated into "ecosystem" systems of educational process management (in which personal and collective learning paths can be combined, and which connect learners with many learning spaces and educational opportunities).


Singularity; Educational ecosystem; Competencies; Self-guided education

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