Teachers’ Efforts in Understanding the Factual, Conceptual, Procedural and Metacognitive Assessment Using the Revised 2013 Curriculum

Hermayawati .


This paper aims at analysing the efforts of forty teachers of the Madrasah Tsanawiyah School in Indonesia in understanding the Revised 2013 Curriculum (RC-13), particularly on how to implement the Factual, Conceptual, Procedural, and Metacognitive (FCPM) knowledge dimensions in assessments. This case study was carried out using the lecturing, discussion and implementation (LDI) approach to understand the RC-13 conceptually, discuss teachers’ problems and implement assessments using FCPM. The results of an in-depth observation and data analysis indicated that 30 out of 40 participants gained a better understanding on the RC-13 concept. They are now in a better position to know what should be done to prepare their RC-based instructional programs and they are conceptually able to implement the RC-13, except for the metacognitive dimension. The ten other teachers are still having some difficulties with FCPM as they did not have real classes such as Guidance Counselling, Sport and Health, and Scouting teachers. The results imply that teachers must be proactively trained to continually update their knowledge, particularly on curriculum development so that the quality of education can be improved.



Revised 2013 curriculum; LDI; FCPM

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