Didactic Design of Sundanese Ethnomathematics Learning for Primary School Students

Supriadi Supriadi


This paper aims to optimize Sundanese ethnomathematics learning by improving the creative thinking ability of mathematics, geometry thinking, and algebra of primary school students. Teaching materials prepared by qualitative research, the didactical design research method. The research subject which used in the learning obstacle test is the fifth-grade primary school students with a total of 71 students. The Initial design didactic and revised design didactic, four-grade primary students with a total of 32 students.  The resulting research Sundanese ethnomathematics learning by using a Sundanese cultural board and engklek games can optimize the creative thinking ability of mathematics, geometry thinking, and algebra of primary school.The results achieved in the initial didactic design used the design of Sundanese ethnomathematics learning in refining geometric thinking, creative thinking, and algebra thinking and almost all of which relate to predictions. The revision of didactic design was organized in accord with the initial didactic design which is not optimal. The research of the revision of didactic design was also constant to use Sundanese ethnomathematics learning and modified to indicators of thinking ability of mathematical geometry of creative thinking and algebra thinking. The outcome achieved on the revision of didactic design uses ethnomathematics learning in refining the ability to geometric, creatively and mathematical algebra thinking of students has already been in accord with predictions.



Sundanese; Ethnomathematics Learning; Didactic Design

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