The Relationship between Teachers’ Knowledge, Attitude and Belief with the Implementation of Inquiry-Based Learning in China

Rosy - Talin


The aim of this study is to investigate factors contributing to the implementation of Inquiry Based Learning (IBL) in teaching science in primary schools. Previous studies showed that IBL was not commonly applied by teachers. 728 in-service primary schools science teachers were asked to answer a questionnaire to investigate their level of knowledge towards nature of science (NOS), attitude and belief towards inquiry teaching and the implementation of IBL in their classroom. The data collected was analyzed using SPSS version 21. The result of this study showed the level of teachers’ knowledge on NOS, teachers´ attitude and belief towards inquiry teaching and the implementation of IBL in their teaching are at the medium level. The result also showed that there was no difference in the implementation of IBL according to the teachers’ years of experience in teaching science. Overall, these science teachers’ knowledge on NOS, attitude and belief towards inquiry teaching have significant relationship with the implementation of IBL in their classroom.



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