Debriefing Program for Prospective Elementary School Teachers in Developing Learning Aids

Ghullam Hamdu, Wahyu Sopandi, Nahadi .


This research was conducted to develop a debriefing program for prospective elementary school teachers in order to develop context-based learning aids and its assessment. Reeves Design Based Research (DBR) model was employed as a research design, and its data were processed descriptively. A field needs analysis was conducted to students who have taught at school through an analysis of common learning aids and questionnaires. Early debriefing programs were developed based on field needs analysis. The trial of the debriefing program was conducted in two phases, i.e. to final year students through conventional lectures and alumni who have taught in elementary school. Trials with different subjects aim at providing an alternative form of debriefing activities that could be used for prospective elementary school teachers. Reflection was done to evaluate the developed debriefing program. The result of this program was in the form of the stages of debriefing implementation, debriefing materials, and the procedures of debriefing program implementation.



Debriefing Program, Learning Device, Context Based Learning

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