A Qualitative Examination of Factors for Success in a Content-Based English Language Learner Classroom

Janet Delgado, Lorraine Benuto


The dramatic increase of English Language Learners (ELLs) created a sense of urgency across school districts who struggle with efficiently educating students in a manner that facilitates the acquisition of English for ELLs and ensures that testing standards across content areas are met.  Content-based sheltered instruction can provide quality education while maintaining the integrity of effective English language practices to a large number of ELLs simultaneously.  The purpose of this qualitative multiple-case study was to identify and understand the essential attributes and relationships that contribute to the successfulness of content-based sheltered instruction elementary classrooms for English learners in an urban school district in southern Pennsylvania (this school has successfully and effectively accelerated their ELLs' levels of second language acquisition).  Utilizing an Appreciative Inquiry Approach, the attributes that maximize the instruction of ELLs across four content-based, sheltered instruction ELL classrooms within one K-8 school were identified.  Results revealed that these classrooms were successful when strong interrelationships were evident between language and content learning, efficient organizational structures, as well as a focus on the celebration of culture.


english language, bilingual

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