Teaching and Learning Biotechnology at University of Rwanda - College of Science and Technology: The Assessment of Teaching Practices and Learning Styles for Biotechnology Concepts Understanding

Yvonne Ndikumana, Leon Rugema Mugabo, Antoine Nsabimana


This study addresses the crucial need for assessing teaching practices and learning styles to improve students' understanding of biotechnological concepts and enhance overall learning outcomes. A mixed-method research design was adopted to collect and analyse data. The quantitative data were analysed descriptively, while qualitative data were analysed by thematic analysis. The sample consisted of two (2) teachers and 109 students. The techniques for sampling were convenience sampling for the survey and purposive sampling for the interview. Both teachers and students were involved in teaching and learning  biotechnology courses related to the crop improvement. Questionnaires, interview, and classroom observation were used to collect data, which were quantitatively and qualitatively analysed. The study found that teaching methods such as semi-formal lectures, PowerPoint presentations, interactive lectures, blended methods, student presentations, and audio-visual techniques were commonly used. Formal authority, expert, and personal teaching styles were prevalent, with the facilitator style being the least utilized. Students primarily learn through auditory and reading styles, occasionally incorporating visual elements. Despite the emphasis on collaborative learning, student-based activities were not given significant consideration. The spectrum of these practices comprised a mix of student- and teacher-centred approaches with the dominance of the teacher-centred method. Thus, for effective teaching and learning, the present study suggests future research on the implementation of new innovative teaching strategies to help all students to develop autonomy and to learn according to their diversities regarding their learning styles.



biotechnology; teaching and learning; learning activities; learner-centred

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