Empowering e-Tutors for Effective Online Teaching and Learning: E-tutors’ Challenges and Perceptions

Prince Chukwuneme Enwereji, Annelien Adriana van Rooyen, Raphael Nhlanhla Ngcobo, Faith Sedzani Musundwa


Online learning has been considered as a paradigm shift in education that offers a transformative approach to the acquisition of knowledge and skills. The objectives of the study included identifying the perceptions of e-tutors on the usage of e-tutoring by online students; investigating the challenges encountered by students in using e-tutoring; and recommending measures to enhance e?tutoring in the Department of Financial Accounting at a South African university. A quantitative research approach and a descriptive research design were used, employing an online survey to collect data from e-tutors involved in financial accounting modules. A total of 188 questionnaires were distributed electronically to e-tutors in the Financial Accounting Department. Due to unforeseen challenges, only 95 e-tutors filled out the questionnaires completely. SPSS was used to analyze the data through the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure of sampling adequacy and the rotated component matrix was applied to assess the suitability of the sample for factor analysis and to discern the underlying structure and behavioral patterns within the data set. Findings reveal that e-tutors play a crucial role in assisting students with module-specific problems, addressing difficult topics, and making the course content more engaging. However, challenges such as the need for continuous training in online communication skills and the use of online technology tools were highlighted. Issues related to Internet connectivity and costs also impacted the effectiveness of e?tutors. Reliable Internet infrastructure and adequate resources are vital for addressing these challenges. Based on the findings, the study recommends that e-tutors engage in continuous professional development and receive module-specific training to enhance their knowledge and skills. Collaboration between e?tutors and lecturers should be encouraged to foster a supportive learning environment. The study concludes that the facilitation of e-tutoring in financial accounting modules has shown promising outcomes in supporting students’ teaching and learning.


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