Work-based Learning, Procedural Knowledge and Teacher Trainee Preparedness towards Teaching Practice at the University of Nairobi, Kenya

Paul Amolloh Odundo, Kinyua Gladys Wanjiru, Ganira Khavugwi Lilian


Work-based learning (WBL) is a transition from educational institutions that creates an integrated experience for teacher trainees to put theory into practice. On the same vein, teaching practice is a training exercise enabling teacher trainees’ opportunities for acquiring practical skills vital for professional development.  Success during teaching practice is the teacher trainees’ procedural knowledge and preparedness in teaching subjects, content awareness and instructional methods. Adequate preparedness creates an environment that alleviates fears, allows development of skills and decision making abilities prior to teaching practice. The study explored procedural knowledge on teacher preparedness for teaching practice using work-based learning at the University of Nairobi. The population consisted of 68 teacher trainees undertaking teaching practice. Descriptive survey design was adopted and data collected through a questionnaire. Findings showed that teacher trainees were adequately prepared for teaching practice. The study recommends adoption of work-based learning in preparing teacher trainees for effective professional competence.


instructional methods, procedural knowledge, teaching objectives, teacher trainee preparedness, teaching practice, work-based learning,

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