Implementing Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge from the Social Studies Learning Management Perspective

Ruth Sriana Umbase


In today's digital era, one of the demands in the world of education is increasing teacher knowledge and managerial skills oriented towards Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge (TPACK). This research aims to analyze teachers' managerial knowledge and skills in terms of (1) planning learning, (2) implementing the learning implementation plan, and (3) reflecting the planning, implementation, and learning outcomes components of Social Studies that are oriented towards implementing TPACK. This research design is descriptive-qualitative. The results show that Teachers' knowledge and managerial skills are in the moderate category and tend to be lacking—teachers have limited knowledge of and skills in learning management. Social Studies learning management can be integrated with new social intelligence in innovative and fun learning based on the application of TPACK. Several recommendations are suggested for social studies teachers: first, increase managerial knowledge and skills in learning and using TPACK through training, technical guidance, and ongoing apprenticeship; second, form a professional organization for social studies teachers to share knowledge and experiences; third, create networks with social studies teachers in developed countries. Finally, the government and the private sector (especially internet network providers) need to pay attention to the needs of teachers to implement TPACK.


Social Studies Teacher; Learning Management; TPACK

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