Notes of Digital Refugees: Understanding the Plight of Senior Faculty in Online Teaching

Ruth Ladip Ladwingon, Zorayda Calaycay Gavino, Angeline Badong Valdez, Rodemelia Bustamante Bangat


This study looks at the significant difficulties faced by senior faculty members who are used to teaching in a traditional classroom setting against the increasing trend toward distance learning. By using qualitative research methods, including a phenomenological lens and thematic analysis, the study revealed a wide range of obstacles that senior teachers attempt to overcome. These include issues with maintaining academic integrity, classroom management, and internet use. Financial difficulties and a noticeable lack of computer literacy are personal issues. Senior faculty members emotionally show disappointment and unhappiness during this change. The study recognizes the declining efficacy of senior teachers in online learning environments and emphasizes the necessity of specialized training programs and strong support structures. It promotes the creation of institutional frameworks designed to improve faculty well-being in light of the changing environment.


digital refugees; nearly-retiring teachers; online teaching

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