Humanising Pedagogy in Mathematics Education at South African Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges: Influence on TVET Teaching and Learning

Siphokazi Vimbelo, Anass Bayaga


This study examines the implementation of a humanising pedagogy in teaching mathematics at a TVET college in South Africa. Despite the country's transition to democracy, disempowerment and dehumanisation persist within the education system, particularly affecting learners from previously disadvantaged backgrounds. Mostly, TVET mathematics classrooms are neither humanised as mathematics is taught in isolation with social issues nor linked to students’ lived experiences. Student engagement is minimal as the classroom environment is a banking zone model. The study explores how a humanising pedagogy, based on critical pedagogy principles, can address these challenges. A humanised pedagogy has been explored through workshops and lesson presentations that were based on humanising pedagogy. Findings reveal that the adoption of a humanising pedagogy enhanced student engagement as the teaching strategies were engaging and student centred.  Students were actively involved; mathematics was linked to students’ lived experiences. Additionally, the adoption of a humanising pedagogy helped students and teachers to see the relationship between the content and real life and how they can use mathematics to address social problems. The study highlights the need to humanise mathematics teaching and calls for educators to become agents of social change. Embracing a humanising pedagogy can foster a more inclusive, responsive, and equitable education system.


Humanising pedagogy; student engagement; learning outcomes; TVET college; mathematics education

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