The Effectiveness of a Curriculum Designed Based on an Authentic Learning Approach in Improving Study Success, Attitudes, and Independent Learning Abilities of Prospective Teachers

Murtaqiatusholihat Murtaqiatusholihat, Mohammad Ali, Asep Herry Hernawan, Laksmi Dewi


This research aims to investigate the effectiveness of a designed curriculum with authentic learning principles in increasing study success, attitudes, and self-learning skills of prospective teachers. The method used is an experiment involving 300 prospective teaching students from various fields of study. The intervention in the experimental group was the use of a curriculum designed with authentic learning, while the intervention in the control group was the traditional curriculum. Several data analyses were used in this study, including descriptive analysis, independent sample t test, paired sample t test, and repeated measurement ANOVA. The research findings show that a curriculum designed with authentic learning principles can increase the success of prospective teachers. In addition, the authentic learning curriculum intervention is also able to develop the attitudes of prospective teachers toward curriculum development classes. The curriculum is also able to enhance the independent learning ability of prospective teachers. The increase in study success is seen in students' mastery of pedagogical knowledge and teaching skills. Improvements in the attitude aspect were seen in improvements in student attitudes in the belief in the benefits of curriculum development classes, the ability to evaluate classes, and the desire to learn. The increase in the aspect of independent learning ability was seen in the students’ response in taking responsibility for their learning which experienced a positive increase. So, this authentic learning curriculum intervention can effectively increase the success rate, attitudes, and self-learning abilities of prospective teachers. This research has implications that teacher development education must use a curriculum that is designed in line with the curriculum used for students, namely authentic learning. This principle of authentic learning is able to enhance the competence of teachers from various aspects in order to improve the quality of teachers.


curriculum development; authentic learning; study success; attitude; independent learning ability; prospective teacher

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