Teachers’ Self-Efficacy at Maintaining Order and Discipline in Technology-Rich Classrooms with Relation to Strain Factors

Eyvind Elstad, Knut-Andreas Christophersen


Teachers’ operational control is challenged by pupils’ access to computers with internet in the classroom. The teacher’s control of operations will be diminished in a technology-rich classroom. Professional growth is conditioned by teachers’ experience of mastery in their work. Therefore, it is interesting to study strain factors that are associated with teacher efficacy at maintaining order and discipline in technology-rich classrooms. This study splices two theoretical lenses: theory on teacher efficacy and strain factors and theory of teachers’ learning orientation. The purpose of this article is to explore the factors that are associated with teacher efficacy at maintaining order and discipline in technology-rich classrooms. The data set comes from a survey of 156 teachers in Norway. The analysis shows that the perception of conflict is negatively associated with teacher efficacy. Stress and perception of shortcomings in the ability of the teacher to influence the pupils is slightly weaker negatively associated with teacher efficacy for classroom management. There is a strong, positive relationship between stress and conflict, and there are positive associations between teachers’ sense of shortcoming and both stress and conflict. Teachers’ emphasis on practical knowledge rather than expert recommendations is positively associated with shortcomings, stress and conflict. Implications for practice are discussed. 


self-efficacy; classroom management; strain; technology-rich classrooms; ICT; teachers’ work

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