Enhancing Reading-Comprehension Abilities and Attitudes of EFL Students through utilising Content-Creation Tools in Classroom Presentations

Pattama Panyasai


Utilisation of content-creating tools in an environment that enhances students' reading comprehension also promotes the integration of language skills and technology for educational purposes. This study aimed to enhance the reading comprehension skills of Business English students in Thailand by incorporating content-creation tools to support their English-language learning. Additionally, it sought to investigate the students' attitudes towards developing their reading comprehension through the utilisation of such tools. This study employed a quantitative research design; and it involved 27 third-year students in a Business- English program. Various instruments, including English reading proficiency and comprehension tests for each unit, as well as content-creation tools, assessment forms for students’ presentations and questionnaires to gauge students’ attitudes were utilised. Quantitative data were analysed by using the mean percentage, and the paired t-test. The results demonstrated a statistically significant improvement in students’ reading-comprehension abilities after using content-creation tools for their presentations, with a significance level of two-tails less than 0.05. This finding highlights the significant effectiveness of developing students’ reading comprehension skills through presentations by using content-creation tools for reading comprehension, which met the pre-determined criterion of 70%. Moreover, the students displayed a high level of positive attitudes towards learning English and utilising content-creation tools to develop their reading comprehension skills through presentations. These results suggest that the integration of language skills and technology through content-creation tools creates a stimulating learning environment, fostering positive outcomes in reading comprehension.



reading comprehension; content creation tool; business English; presentation

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