Flipped Direct Instruction (FDI): A New Practicum Learning Model in Vocational Education

Akrimullah Mubai, Ambiyar Ambiyar, Dedy Irfan, Mohamad Sattar Rasul


The Flipped Direct Instruction (FDI) learning model was introduced as a new learning model for practicum learning. It was developed to mitigate the limitations of the Direct Instruction (DI) model in improving vocational education graduates’ competencies. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the formation of the FDI learning model. This research uses an exploratory sequential mixed methods design with Mile and Huberman methods and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). The FDI learning model is formed through conceptual, theoretical, hypothetical, and final modeling stages. Research data were obtained through document analysis and Focus Group Discussion (FGD). FGD was conducted with 7 experts as the research sample and non-test instruments were used. The result of this study is an FDI learning model formed from several theories including Joyce (2003), Cooper (2012), Ktoridou (2018), and Indrajit (2021). The FDI model consists of an orientation phase, procedure-based simulation phase, case-based simulation phase, structured practice phase, guided practice phase, and independent practice phase. Each phase obtained CFA values of 0.464, 0.492, 0.292, 0.009, 0.016, and 0.018. All values are below 2, revealing that the FDI model has a goodness-of-fit-model criteria. The FDI model is presented as a contribution to the development of science and as a new learning model option recommended for vocational education. In the future, this research will contribute to the evaluation of the FDI learning model in measure its level of practicality, effectiveness, and impact on model application.



Flipped Direct Instruction; New Learning Model; Vocational Education

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