Performance Analysis Towards Excellent Schools

Abednego Abednego, Patrisius Rahabav, John Rafafy Batlolona


The elementary level is the foundation for children to continue their education to a higher level. Therefore, governance is essential. This study measures school performance and factors inhibiting elementary school performance in Ambon City. The results showed that 1) the dimension of performance action; sub-dimensions that have been achieved by the school, namely the school's physical appearance, staff cooperation, and excellent service. The sub-dimensions that have not been achieved maximally, namely the championship rankings that have not been achieved much, especially in accredited schools B and C. 2) The dimension of performance achievement; sub-dimensions that the school has achieved, namely: all schools have been accredited, the average score on the education report is 7; the average student attendance is good; the Drop-Out presentation is minimal; the average repeating classes and repeating subjects is less, and students show civilized behavior or good character. The sub-dimension that has yet to be achieved is the ranking of championships or non-academic activities. 3) The dimension of performance outcomes: The sub-dimension achieved, namely the attendance of graduates who continue their studies to junior high schools, is 100%. The sub-dimensions that have yet to be achieved, namely the level of customer satisfaction and community support for school programs, still need improvement. Therefore, it is concluded that several dimensions still need to be achieved in heading toward a superior school. It is a challenge for the school to improve and repackage the program so that it runs well.


school performance; factors inhibiting performance; governance; excellent schools; primary schools

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