Emotional Competency in Teaching: A Qualitative Study of Practices among Preschool and Elementary School Teachers

Laila Ouchen, Lahcen Tifroute, Khadija El Hariri


This qualitative phenomenological research aims to analyze how teachers incorporate the emotional component, as a soft skill into their teaching practices. The paper presents findings from 40 interviews conducted with preschool and elementary school teachers in Marrakesh. The results reveal that while teachers recognize the importance of emotional competency, few have integrated activities to strengthen its acquisition. The study highlights the need for teacher training programs that focus on promoting emotional competence through activities centered around emotional regulation and communication. The paper concludes by initiating a reflection process to establish the fundamentals of a pedagogical design based on emotions, which can contribute to more positive and nurturing learning environments and positively impact students' academic and social outcomes.



emotional competence; teacher practices; children; learning

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