The Development of an Online Study Adaptability Scale for Chinese College Students During the Global COVID-19 Pandemic

Guo Jun Tan, Jia Qi Wei, Chia Ching Tu


This study proposes a structural model for the online studying adaptability of college students during the global pandemic based on a questionnaire survey. A total of 1367 college students from H University in Fujian province participated in the study. Study items were evaluated and verified using item analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, convergence validity analysis, and discriminant validity analysis. The scale that includes four dimensions namely: attitude towards study, auto-didactic ability, studying and communication, and the study environment, had a good reliability and validity. There was a significant difference between students’ adaptability by grade and major but not by gender. Thus the scale can be used as a tool to evaluate the adaptability of college students to online studying in a global pandemic and to lay the foundation for future research in this area.


on online study adaptability; scale; confirmatory factor analysis; reliability; validity

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