Understanding the Demand for Industrial skills through the National Certificate (Vocational) Building and Civil Engineering Programme

Themba Paulos Nkwanyane


The Ministry of Higher Education and Training has significantly transformed the technical and vocational education and training sector to respond to socio-economic ills such as poverty, unemployment and inequalities. With the mission of the White Paper for Post-School Education and Training, TVET programmes are prioritised as a significance in responding to societal challenges by offering skills that are aligned to industry to enable youth and young adults to successfully enter the industry for their sustainable livelihoods. This study provides a critical analysis on alignment of the National Certificate (Vocational): Building and Civil Engineering programme) offered by TVET Colleges. This article is based on a case study of two vocational training institutions in Mpumalanga Province, South Africa. A qualitative research approach was followed. The article used interviews and observations as data collection tools. The population for the study consisted of ten TVET teachers. The data were analysed by transcribing the data, coding, and thematic discussion using thematic analysis. The study's findings show that the NCV: Building and Civil Engineering programme is not aligned with the industry, as the workshop’s practical training is given inadequate time. The NCV: Building and Civil Engineering programme contains too many theoretical sections. The theoretical part is mainly offered to the students rather than hands-on practical training. The study concludes that the TVET sector faces challenges to meet the demand for industrial skills. This study recommends that the NCV program be evaluated urgently to address this issue and to ensure that it remains aligned with industry.



inadequate exposure; insufficient resources; curriculum review; alignment

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