Constructivism- Linking Theory with Practice among Pre-Service Teachers at the University of Trinidad and Tobago

Leela Ramsook, Marlene Thomas


In this paper, the authors investigated how the Year Two cohort of pre-service teachers in the primary specialization at the University of Trinidad and Tobago linked the theory of constructivism with practice in the implementation of their lessons during practicum. A mixed method approach was adopted and the sample included 108 participants. Data were gathered using multiple methods such as questionnaires, focus group interviews and reflections which facilitated triangulation of data. Findings revealed that most participants are familiar with the tenets of the theory of constructivism. Many pre-service teachers have applied the principles during practicum but others opted to engage in the traditional mode of teaching and learning. Participants’ experiences are demonstrated in the following themes that emanated: ‘active learning’, ‘sharing ideas’, ‘student centred and interactive learning’, ‘engaged in the learning process’ and ‘learning by doing’. It can be concluded that while some pre-service teachers were able to translate theory into practice, many of them found it challenging to change from a traditional frame of reference. 



Keywords:pre-service teachers, constructivism, theory, practice

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