A Bibliometric Analysis of 21st Century Learning Using Scopus Database

Nurul Ashikin Izhar, Nor Asniza Ishak, Siti Mastur Baharudin


The concept of 21st century learning aims to prepare people to live and work in a more advanced environment. Hence, the objective of this paper is to explore the extent of publications on the topic of 21st century learning and COVID-19 in the Scopus database. Keywords used for analysis were TITLE-ABS-KEY-((‘21stcentury*’) AND (education* OR learning*) AND (covid*)) with the analysis based on (i) document and source types, (ii) citation trend, (iii) topic of discussion, and (iv) regional distribution. Four steps of research protocol were adopted: (i) topic, scope and eligibility, (ii) identification, (iii) screening. A total of 105 documents were then used for further analysis. ‘Article’ and ‘Journal’ under the ‘Document’ and ‘Resources’ Type registered the most citations and were assumed to be of most interest, while the Citation Trend showed an increasing number of citations of these publications. E-learning was the most frequently discussed topic, and the United States was the region most actively conducting research in this area. The high number of annual citations suggests that this area is a promising one for research. Although the most frequently referenced publications were about students' development of 21st century skills, there is still a gap in the field for educators. Further research would speed up the development of the educators’ skills and promote the use of 21st century skills.



21st-century learning; COVID-19; bibliometric; Scopus database; trend

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