Narrative Perspective of the School Trajectory of At-Risk Students

Abraham Bernárdez-Gómez, Eva María González Barea, María Jesús Rodríguez entrena


Students’ engagement in the educational task has been a matter of growing interest over the past few years as a factor  in tackling one of the leading academic problems, namely school dropout. This brief research report offers an  overview of how engagement in the educational trajectories of young people at risk is manifested. It was studied by applying the life course theory as the backbone of the research. A qualitative methodology has been applied, using a biographical-narrative approach through semi-structured in-depth interviews. The total number of subjects interviewed was 10. The main results  indicate that: a) there are stages in which events that facilitate positive or negative engagement predominate more strongly; b) in general, there is a higher presence of negative critical events that lead to a decline in the quality of the students' engagement; and c) there are a series of factors that stand out  in each of the stages of the students' trajectories. One of the main conclusions that can be drawn is that the traineeships are dynamic and flexible. Students may have the possibility of returning to their studies.


engagement; educational trajectories; narrative inquiry; life history; life course theory

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